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Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Austrailia Asia New Zealand Suffer from Fossil Fuel based Global Warming - Impact

El NiƱo-like weather patterns in the US. Heavier rain in the western Pacific. Less nourishment for marine life along the Equator and off the South American coast. Are all results of Global Warming.

And Australia's north and east would probably be drier than normal. Known as the Walker circulation, this system functions as a belt across the tropical Pacific, with dry air moving eastward at high altitude from Asia to South America and moist air flowing westward over the ocean's surface, pushing prevailing trade winds.

When the moist air gets to Asia, it triggers massive rains in Indonesia. Then it dries out, rises and starts the cycle again, heading east. This atmospheric system has weakened by 3.5% over the past 140 years, and the culprit is likely human-induced, scientists report in today's issue of the journal Nature.

"This is the impact of humans through burning coal, burning benzene, gasoline, everything," says author Dr Vecchi of the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.

"It's principally the greenhouse gases from fossil-fuel burning."

The slowdown has been more pronounced in the past 50 years, Vecchi says, noting this fits with what theorists and computer models predict as a result of human-induced global warming. Commented From...


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