Global Warming News Green Building Project

Global Warming is not a future problem. Polar Bears are dying, your allergies are getting worse, and deadly virus carrying tropical mosquitos are moving north NOW. Support the Green Project. Put Green Back on the Map.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Global Warming Google Map Goes Live Isolating Green Building Locations and Toxic Polution Spewing Buildings

San Diego, CA (PRWEB)May 10, 2006 --
Inspired by the intense 24h care for a close friend’s aging father after valve replacement surgery the creators of the GREEN PROJECT decided to create a 24/7 monitor for Mother Earth. introduces the new public driven Global Warming Monitor at .

The Global Warming Monitor(tm) clearly and rapidly identifies the industrial causes and the effects alike of hurricanes, tornados, monsoons, and other natural disasters. In doing so, it informs the public that “Just One Degree(sm)” of average temperature escalation can destroy entire coral reefs. “Just One Degree” can allure South American virus carrying mosquitos and birds north towards Canada. “Just One Degree” can multiply the pollen count forcing asthma sufferers into hospitals.

The two major components of the Global Warming Monitor are industrial buildings and natural disasters. The public is encouraged to freely post locations of KNOWN heavy polluters and natural disasters. Green builders and architects are encouraged to post their LEED approved green buildings on the map as well. Over time, the Global Warming Monitor should show decreasing numbers of “Black Buildings” and natural disasters as the number of “Green Buildings” increases worldwide.

While risking the alarmist label, Global Warming Monitor will accept any and all submissions of disasters and the buildings that contribute to them. In order to mitigate any reckless or irresponsible postings, a public driven rating system is in place to drive down the visibility of the most arguable plotted buildings and disasters. Users will be able to vote on the usefulness or importance of each plotted point on the map.

To further increase the credibility and accuracy of the Global Warming Monitor, is inviting meteorologists and environmental experts to moderate their global warming discussion forum as well as the postings on the Global Warming Monitor. Users are encouraged to contact their local news channel weather man or woman and encourage them to become a moderator.

Between professional meteorologists, experts in natural disasters, green builders / architects, conscientious corporate executives, and the public at large, Global-Green dot org forsees a rapid decline in Earth’s fever. To bolster the arsenal necessary to fight irresponsible industry, Global Green dot org has also created a news blog in addition to the forum. With rapid growth, the individual members will carry lobbying power.

But kick off the ball, change starts with the individual. Global Green dot org asks you, the public, to share responsibility with the toxic factories -- carpool, carry your own containers, and walk. It may only be one step but the founder of Global-Green dot org has officially "ditched" his 8 cylinder Lexus and is now on foot. features Green companies who use hybrid cars and solar power like . But the blog will not just be a feel good news source. It will also expose the worst of the green building violaters as they fight to “Put Green Back on the Map.”


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